Biogas Equipment

The equipment used in anaerobic digestion and biogas plants, including its design, installation, maintenance and operation. This includes innovative new developments in biogas equipment, pumps and gas engines. Dosing equipment and biomethane upgrading technologies are also included in this category.

Anaerobic digester mixer by Landia Helping YW

Anaerobic Digester Mixer by Landia Helping Yorkshire Water to Net-Zero Carbon by 2030

Two anaerobic digester mixer systems recently supplied by Landia are helping Yorkshire Water to progress with carbon emissions savings toward their target of Net-Zero carbon emission across the company by 2030. High levels of biogas yield are also being achieved which indicate that these digesters are being well-mixed. Read more about the use of this […]

Image text: "Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Fuel Cell Systems".

Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Fuel Cell Systems – Pioneering Vision of a New AD Process

Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Fuel Cell Systems – Will these, one day, become the New “Super-Biogas Process”? With many thousands of large commercial anaerobic digestion plants in use throughout the world, and literally hundreds of thousands of small household and community biogas plants providing energy to their owners globally, AD is now a thoroughly proven process. […]

Image text: "Is Biogas Carbon Neutral".

Is Biogas Carbon Neutral and What GHG Emissions Savings Occur When Using it?

Is biogas carbon neutral? Is easy to answer, and the short answer is “Yes”! The really interesting question though is what is the overall carbon footprint? Done well biogas production actually reverses the process leading to climate change. While biogas combustion, like natural gas combustion, creates carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, the carbon in […]

Image text: "Dry anaerobic digestion secrets".

Dry Anaerobic Digestion Secrets You Will Wish You Discovered First

Dry anaerobic digestion can be seen as a well-kept secret. It is seldom mentioned in most AD industry circles. Yet it is already an established technique for reducing the organic activity of MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) to make it less of a problem when landfilled. And, it is now poised to push into traditional CSTR […]

Image text: "How to increase biogas production with ultrasound destructors".

How to Increase Biogas Production – By Adding Ultrasound Destructors

Attend almost any webinar or conference about anaerobic digestion and the topic of how to increase biogas production will soon be raised. What you will also find is that very often the method offered to raise biogas output efficiency is a new one. The pace of development of the relatively young biogas industry is remarkably […]

Image text: "Pig Farm Biogas Plant Output Increased 10%".

Pig Farm Biogas Plant Output Increased 10% While Reducing Impact

We welcome this news that an innovative US Pig Farm Biogas Plant operator has raised its biogas output while all else remains constant by more than 10% simply by installing more efficient pumps. We have written previously on a number of occasions about these pumps. These days hardly a week goes by without another technology […]

Biogas from crop residues, not the grain/ food crop.

Use a Biogas Extruder to Make Biogas from Straw Not Food – Biomass Bioextruder™

The Biogas Extruder: Until now making biogas from straw and other similar grain crop residues has been considered uneconomic by the AD industry. But, that was before the advent of bio extrusion technology, and specifically the biomass Bioextruder™. The use of any food crops for energy production often attracts public criticism. This is despite the […]

Image text: "What are Combined Heat and Power CHP Systems".

Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHP) – 3 Important Considerations for Design

Combined heat and power systems (CHP), are also known as co-generation systems, and they greatly improve the usable energy output from electricity generation systems. When a gas engine or turbine is used to generate electricity without CHP, after the electricity leaving the site, there is also hot “cooling water” that is used to keep the […]

Image text: "Biogas Engine Defined and How it Makes Electricity".

The Biogas Engine Defined and How it Generates Electricity

We have defined what we mean by a biogas engine and how such engines are used as a biogas generator, including discussing what cogeneration means in terms of secondary heat ultilisation and CHP

Featured Image: "Biogas tractor for sustainable farms".

The Must Have Biogas Tractor For All Seriously Sustainable Farms

Biogas Tractors and the most efficient use of biogas, on the farm to provide the fuel to power the farm vehicles was simply not previously available.

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