Biogas Equipment
The equipment used in anaerobic digestion and biogas plants, including its design, installation, maintenance and operation. This includes innovative new developments in biogas equipment, pumps and gas engines. Dosing equipment and biomethane upgrading technologies are also included in this category.
Is Biogas Carbon Neutral and What GHG Emissions Savings Occur When Using it?
Is biogas carbon neutral? Is easy to answer, and the short answer is “Yes”! The really interesting question though is what is the overall carbon footprint? Done well biogas production actually reverses the process leading to climate change. While biogas combustion, like natural gas combustion, creates carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, the carbon in […]
Dry Anaerobic Digestion Secrets You Will Wish You Discovered First
Dry anaerobic digestion can be seen as a well-kept secret. It is seldom mentioned in most AD industry circles. Yet it is already an established technique for reducing the organic activity of MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) to make it less of a problem when landfilled. And, it is now poised to push into traditional CSTR […]
How to Increase Biogas Production – By Adding Ultrasound Destructors
Attend almost any webinar or conference about anaerobic digestion and the topic of how to increase biogas production will soon be raised. What you will also find is that very often the method offered to raise biogas output efficiency is a new one. The pace of development of the relatively young biogas industry is remarkably […]
Pig Farm Biogas Plant Output Increased 10% While Reducing Impact
We welcome this news that an innovative US Pig Farm Biogas Plant operator has raised its biogas output while all else remains constant by more than 10% simply by installing more efficient pumps. We have written previously on a number of occasions about these pumps. These days hardly a week goes by without another technology […]
Use a Biogas Extruder to Make Biogas from Straw Not Food – Biomass Bioextruder™
The Biogas Extruder: Until now making biogas from straw and other similar grain crop residues has been considered uneconomic by the AD industry. But, that was before the advent of bio extrusion technology, and specifically the biomass Bioextruder™. The use of any food crops for energy production often attracts public criticism. This is despite the […]
Combined Heat and Power Systems (CHP) – 3 Important Considerations for Design
Combined heat and power systems (CHP), are also known as co-generation systems, and they greatly improve the usable energy output from electricity generation systems. When a gas engine or turbine is used to generate electricity without CHP, after the electricity leaving the site, there is also hot “cooling water” that is used to keep the […]
The Must Have Biogas Tractor For All Seriously Sustainable Farms
Biogas Tractors and the most efficient use of biogas, on the farm to provide the fuel to power the farm vehicles was simply not previously available.
Biogas Analysis and Gas Quality Monitoring of Anaerobic Digestion Processes
Biogas analysis and maximizing the efficiency of anaerobic digestion plants is gaining more attention as the anaerobic digestion industry matures. If you are seeking to find out more about this topic, read-on, because this article is for you! With the rapidly increasing global awareness that the world must decarbonize or suffer huge problems and costs […]
Future Biogas Orders More Borger Pumps and Separators
Even if Borger (Börger) the specialist pump manufacturer wasn’t one of our sponsors we still would publish this as we think it is of interest to our readers to know when a company like Future Biogas (one of the largest biogas companies in the UK, which every year produces over 400GWh of biogas, and enough […]
Biogas Digester Crust Re-dissolved by Landia GasMix Mixer After Propeller Mixing Failure
Biogas digester crust formations floating on the surface of reactor tanks may sound to be of little consequence, but that’s not so according to anaerobic digestion tank operators. furthermore, breaking up and re-dissolving a biogas digester tank surface crust was defeating the best efforts of one AD plant operator recently after a propeller mixer suffered […]
Vertical Long-Shaft Pump Will Blend Cow Slurry At AD Plant
Vertical long-shaft pumps have been around since the earliest days of sewer installation, however, never before did they run this long and deep for biogas plant pump company Landia. Read on to find out more about this case study and how this pump will blend cow manure slurry at an AD Plant in Northern Ireland. […]