Biogas Equipment
The equipment used in anaerobic digestion and biogas plants, including its design, installation, maintenance and operation. This includes innovative new developments in biogas equipment, pumps and gas engines. Dosing equipment and biomethane upgrading technologies are also included in this category.
Agricultural Slurry Pumping Savings – Borger Satisfies an AD Plant Client
We are pleased to be able to report that highly significant savings have been achieved in agricultural slurry pumping costs at a farm-based AD Plant in Lincolnshire, as reported by Borger Pumps in combination with the distributor of their agricultural products Gissing FE. Watch our video below, or read the written article which follows. We think […]
Biogas Plant Pumps to Drive the Anaerobic Digestion Process
Biogas plant pumps drive the flow through the Anaerobic Digestion Process in all biogas plants. They are literally the heart of the process. If a biogas plant pump stops working and there is no standby pump, the process will no longer be fed and a biogas production run down will result. Soon, if pumping is […]
Sludge Blockages in Biogas Pipes Solved
Sludge blockages can cause a reduction in biogas output, which can be cured using an inline Mono Muncher for its tearing, shearing and crushing action. If your biogas yield drops unexpectedly, it could be due to a problem with your digester’s sludge homogeneity. It’s possible that your system isn’t mixing efficiently, and if your internal […]
Recycling Fish Morts Using Anaerobic Digestion
There’s a reason why recycling fish morts is valued as a digester feedstock amongst biogas plant operators. First, the fish mort pulp, comprising the dead young fish removed from aquaculture (mostly salmon) farms is rapidly digested. Second, mort recycling is also healthier and greener for the environment, than alternative disposal methods. There are many sources […]
How to use Biogas Scrubbers to Purify Biogas
How do you purify biogas? It’s a question central to all but the most simple use of biogas at low pressure from a home digester when it is piped direct to a kitchen stove, although even then bubbling the gas through water is often applied. According to the literature, biogas processing entails the most effective […]
Pig Farm Anaerobic Digestion – Realities of Operating Swine and Hog Digesters
Pig farm anaerobic digestion and including in this swine, and hog farms have just as much potential as Dairy Farms for anaerobic digestion to make biogas as an additional source of income. At the same time, their biogas plants can provide for a much more environmentally beneficial means of disposing of the farm waste, and […]
Anaerobic Digester Mixer by Landia Helping Yorkshire Water to Net-Zero Carbon by 2030
Two anaerobic digester mixer systems recently supplied by Landia are helping Yorkshire Water to progress with carbon emissions savings toward their target of Net-Zero carbon emission across the company by 2030. High levels of biogas yield are also being achieved which indicate that these digesters are being well-mixed. Read more about the use of this […]
Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Fuel Cell Systems – Pioneering Vision of a New AD Process
Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Fuel Cell Systems – Will these, one day, become the New “Super-Biogas Process”? With many thousands of large commercial anaerobic digestion plants in use throughout the world, and literally hundreds of thousands of small household and community biogas plants providing energy to their owners globally, AD is now a thoroughly proven process. […]