Image shows methane sources into the atmosphere as a potent Greenhouse Gas.

Methane Facts and Why It’s a Greenhouse Gas Much Worse than Carbon Dioxide

Methane Facts – From AD to Greenhouse Warming of the Atmosphere: Methane is the main constituent in the gas produced by anaerobic digestion (AD) at usually about 60% of the total gas produced. Most of the rest is carbon dioxide. It is also a fact that it’s produced in large quantities from decaying organic wastes. […]

Septic Tank emptying in-progress.

Septic Tanks: Are they Anaerobic Digesters?

We have been asked the question of whether Septic Tanks are Anaerobic Digesters several times recently. The short answer is yes. They utilize the anaerobic digestion process for the treatment (albeit only partial at a slow rate, and not to watercourse discharge standards) of sewage. They are used from isolated locations where inhabited dwellings are […]

Image shows an anaerobic covered lagoon.

Covered Anaerobic Lagoon Process and Manure Ponds for Biogas

A simple, low capital cost, anaerobic digestion process using the Covered Anaerobic Lagoon Process The process which we have named as the “Covered Anaerobic Lagoon Process” has been around since the development of geomembrane lining systems for low-cost water storage. This method of encapsulating a lagoon to make use of the biogas has been in […]

Separate food waste collection article - featured image.

Mandatory Weekly Separate Food Waste Collections 1 Step Closer in England

Separate food waste collections are now one step closer in England as a result of an action by the departing Theresa May government. This is a move which, if the UK was going to make-good on a number of promises, has seemed to be an inevitable consequence of the stated policy. Yet, like so much […]

Amusing image of a potential 4 legged biogas power plants.

What is a Biogas Power Plant?

A Biogas Power Plant is essentially another name which has been coined recently for an anaerobic digestion plant. These are, also known as biogas digesters. As any technology becomes more successful and reaches a wider audience, so does it generate new names and the anaerobic digestion technology sector is no exception. To cover the entire […]

Traditional biogas plant construction. in developing nations

Biogas Production in China – Agricultural, Domestic and at Community Scale

Biogas production in China from agricultural organic waste is extensively utilised already and has potential to be developed further, to provide additional energy, and this is also highly sustainable energy for the nation. Most speak of Chinese biogas for the Agricultural, Domestic and Community uses. This article is limited to those applications. Introduction Even as […]

Image text: "Ultrasonic-disintegration for biogas plants".

How Ultrasonic Disintegration of Sewage Sludge Improves Wastewater Treatment Plant Biogas Outputs

Sewage sludge is notoriously slow to digest. Ultrasonic disintegration provides an environmentally responsible way to improve biogas output. Unsurprisingly wastewater treatment works biogas plant operators have been first to adopt ultrasonic disintegration. As the technology becomes further developed there is no reason why the AD industry won’t also adopt it’s use for other similarly slow […]

Image is a graphic about selecting a biogas upgrader technology for biomethane upgrading

Biogas Upgraders – The Best 3 Biogas to Biomethane Technologies

Biogas upgraders are facilities that are used to concentrate the methane in biogas to natural gas standards. The upgrading systems remove carbon dioxide (CO₂), hydrogen sulphide (sulfide), water and other trace concentration contaminants from the biogas. Upgraded biogas is called “biomethane.” What are the three top performing biogas upgrading technologies? There are in fact 8 […]

Slurry equipment for sale to pump.

Dairy Farmer Didn’t Believe New Slurry Equipment for Sale by Landia

A Dairy Farmer didn’t believe the performance of a “just fitted” item of Slurry Equipment for Sale. This is a story of success, and it comes to you from pump and mixer equipment manufacturer Landia. Yes! It does happen now and again, that things go so well that its hard believe what’s happening… It gave […]

CC BY by mariannevanloophotography

UK Fracking Policy – National Planning Policy Illegal for Ignoring Climate Impacts – News Roundup

UK Fracking Policy has been ruled to be illegal for ignoring Climate Impacts. There is illegality in current UK fracking policy, according to a Planning Regulations judge. The decision, handed down on Thursday, means the government will have to revisit its national policy on shale gas extraction. It will be forced to take into account the latest […]

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