anaerobic digestion


Anaerobic Digestion of Manure

Anaerobic Digestion of Manure: A Comprehensive Guide to Sustainable Energy Production Anaerobic digestion is a biological process that transforms organic materials, such as livestock manure, into renewable energy. This article explores the significance of manure management in agriculture and the role of anaerobic digestion in promoting sustainable farming. The anaerobic digestion of manure is the most common type of on farm anaerobic […]

The image sows the anaerobic digestion process plant in yellow flowering rapeseed fields.

The Anaerobic Digestion Process

The Anaerobic Digestion Process has been around since ancient times and probably evolved while our planet’s early atmosphere lacked oxygen. It is also what makes the digestive systems of many animals work, so many creatures owe their lives to this amazing process! This website focuses on the Anaerobic Digestion of waste materials, and to split […]

Disadvantages of Incineration vs Anaerobic Digestion

Disadvantages of Incineration vs Anaerobic Digestion

Hmmm! “Disadvantages of Incineration vs Anaerobic Digestion”; We guess that a lot of visitors will be thinking, “Why compare these two processes? Why talk about the disadvantages of incineration versus anaerobic digestion?” That is a good question, and it isn’t something we would have thought of, had the comparison not been made in a report published […]

Phosphorus Nutrient Recycling Role for Anaerobic Digestion

Phosphorus Alternatives: Vital Role for Anaerobic Digestion in Nutrient Recycling

Find out about one of the mineral fertilizers among the Phosphorus Alternatives, and the vital role for Anaerobic Digestion in Nutrient Recycling. Many experts have been warning us all that current farming practices are not sustainable in the long-term, and a looming crisis exists because all modern agriculture relies on a cheap supply of phosphorus.  Today that comes […]

Image text: "Biomethane Bus Fleets Cleaner Cheaper and More Sustainable".

Biomethane Bus Fleets and HGVs Proven Cleaner Cheaper and More Sustainable

The era of the biomethane bus has arrived in the UK as biomethane-powered buses and HGVs are also proving to be cleaner (satisfying Inner City Clean Air Act requirements) than diesel, cheaper to run and a lot more sustainable. Why a Biomethane Bus is So Much Better than Diesel Powered Biomethane has great potential as […]

Image text: "Sorry EPC pages withdrawn".

EPC Contractors in Anaerobic Digestion

Most biogas plants are built by EPC Contractors in Anaerobic Digestion. These contractors are often called Turnkey Contractors, Design and Build Contractors or Design and Build Operate Contractors (DBO).    

Image text: "Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Fuel Cell Systems".

Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Fuel Cell Systems – Pioneering Vision of a New AD Process

Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Fuel Cell Systems – Will these, one day, become the New “Super-Biogas Process”? With many thousands of large commercial anaerobic digestion plants in use throughout the world, and literally hundreds of thousands of small household and community biogas plants providing energy to their owners globally, AD is now a thoroughly proven process. […]

Image text states: "Anaerobic digestion and biogas can supply 30% of UK domestic gas demand."

Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas Technology Can Supply 30% Of UK Domestic Gas Demand

The anaerobic digestion story continues to become bigger as new sources of biomass feedstock are identified and the biogas technology used improves

CC BY by morebyless

What is Biomethane and Anaerobic Digestion Gas to Grid Definition

It is a good question to ask; “What is biomethane and anaerobic digestion gas to grid”, but for the first part (biomethane) don’t expect always to get the same answer! Many people use the term biomethane interchangeably as if it means the same as biogas. In fact, when the term “biomethane” is used correctly the […]

Image showing Advantages of gas to grid Anaerobic Digestion

Advantages of Biomethane Gas to Grid AD Plants

In this article we will explain the advantages of biomethane gas to grid AD plants, but before we start on that, we thought we would be sure to bring all readers along with us by explaining what we mean by “gas to grid” anaerobic digestion plants. The difference between a “gas to grid” biogas plant and a […]

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