2 Farm Methane Types One Intended and One is an Unintentional Byproduct
Farm methane for so long a neglected part of farming, is a subject which is becoming ever more popular as the word about the energy, and waste management benefits get out! There are two ways in which farm methane is produced, as follows: Methane Unintentionally Produced on the Farm: Methane produced in purpose-built and operated biogas-digesters (anaerobic […]
The Advantages of Biogas
The advantages of biogas are many. Among the greatest advantages are that the renewable energy produced, substitutes fossil fuels and thus reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases. Plus, it does it at a cost much lower than by most other techniques. In addition to the multiple renewable energy advantages of biogas are the soil fertilizer and […]
3 Biogas Digester Lessons You Can Benefit From Today
A biogas digester is required to make biogas. A biogas digester (anaerobic digestion plant) is a sealed container holding water and bacteria, which is fed organic matter to be broken down, and which collects the resultant biogas. The biogas is tapped off from an inverted drum or plastic membrane collector, either to a collector for […]
Biofertilizer Resource List – It’s a Must-Have!
Biofertilizer (or in the UK Biofertiliser) will become a major source for plant fertility in agriculture in the future*. That’s why we have compiled this resource page, defining biofertilizer and listing topics of importance re: biofertilizer and diBiofertiliser (the name for “digestate biofertilizer”). A major benefit of biofertilizers comes from the presence of “plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria” (PGPR) […]
Home Biogas Storage Bag (Balloon) for Small-Scale Anaerobic Digestion Plants
A home biogas storage bag (balloon) is used to store and transport the surplus biogas produced from home biogas digesters. Home Biogas Storage bag balloons are relatively small in volume (for example Shenzhen Puxin Technology Co, Ltd offer their smallest biogas storage bag as a 1 cubic metre unit) They are nowhere near as large […]
Biomethane Production – Processed Biogas (Digester Methane) Explained
Biomethane production is the term given to producing “processed digester methane”, in other words the processed biogas from an anaerobic digestion plant. Chemically, it is very close to natural gas but unlike the latter, biomethane is produced from organic waste material in biogas plants. Also known as green gas, biomethane production is designed to produce energy […]
Feed-In Tariff Closing – UK Government Fails to Support Biogas Small-Scale Renewable Energy
A Feed-In Tariff (FIT) consultation is underway, but the fact is that the UK FIT will end in just 9 months. In truth it is inexplicable why the UK government will not be updating and extending the FIT for electricity produced from biogas production from wastes using the AD process. The problem for anaerobic digestion […]
Anaerobic Digestion and Climate Change – Making Biogas to Reduce Greenhouse Gases
Anaerobic digestion can play a major part in the fight against climate change, and the importance of the link between anaerobic digestion and climate change reduction is still not fully appreciated. So, read on and see whether you then agree that making biogas to reduce greenhouse gases, has enormous potential for climate change reduction. Anaerobic […]
Biogas Plant Construction and Working Stages
The secret to understanding the most common biogas plant construction and working stages, is explained here for he most common AD plant type. By far the most common biogas plants are those based upon one single anaerobic digestion tank, and they are often known as “Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors” (CSTRS). They are often called single […]