Biogas Companies Europe – List of Complete Anaerobic Digestion Plant Manufacturers in Europe
Here is our 2018 List of Biogas Companies Europe. A list of complete biogas plant manufacturers in Europe. Alternatively, this list might be given alternative names as a list of anaerobic digestion plant installation contractors. Civil engineers often refer to the type of design and build biogas plant contractors as being Biogas Facility EPC Contractors, Design and Build Turnkey Biogas Plant Contractors who will provide a full AD plant from design. This should include AD plant commissioning and operator training.

Biogas Companies Europe – List of Complete Anaerobic Digestion Plant Manufacturers
AAT Abwasser- und Abfalltechnik GmbH | Austria | www.aat-biogas.at |
AEV Energy GmbH | Germany | http://www.aev-energy.de |
Aikan A/S (Dry AD) | Denmark | http://www.aikantechnology.com |
Anaergia GmbH | Germany | https://www.anaergia.com/ |
Andion Italy SpA | Italy | http://andiontechnology.com |
BEKON GmbHweltweiter Technologie führer im Bau von Batch-Biogasanlagen zur Energieerzeugung aus Abfällen | Germany | https://www.bekon.eu/ |
BioGTS Ltd | Finland | https://biogts.com/ |
Biothane see Veolia Water Technologies TechnoCenter Netherlands B.V. - Biothane | Various | https://bit.ly/2L7Yzfx |
BTA International GmbH | Germany | http://www.bta-international.de/en/home.html |
BTS Biogas Srl/GmbH | Italy | http://www.bts-biogas.com/en/ |
bwe Energiesysteme GmbH & Co. KG | Germany | https://www.bwe-energie.de/en/start/ |
CNP-Technology Water and Biosolids GmbH | Germany | https://www.cnp-tec.de/ |
CONVAERO see Eggersmann Anlagenbau GmbH | www.eggersmann-recyclingtechnology.com | |
CONVECO SRL | Italy | http://www.conveco.com |
CUSS Chriwa Umwelt-Systemtechnik und Service GmbH | Germany | https://www.cuss.de/en/ |
E.S.C.H. Engineering Service Center und Handel GmbH | Germany | http://www.esch-online.de |
Eggersmann Anlagenbau GmbH | Germany | See Bekon |
Eisenmann Anlagenbau GmbH & Co. KG | Germany | http://www.eisenmann.com |
EnviTec Biogas AG | Germany | https://www.envitec-biogas.com/ |
Herhof GmbH | Germany | http://www.herhof.com/en/ |
Hitachi Zosen Inova AG (Kompogas® Digester) | Switzerland | http://www.hz-inova.com |
HoSt B.V. | The Netherlands | https://www.host.nl/en/ |
Ladurner SRL | Italy | http://www.ladurnerambiente.it |
Lundsby Biogas A/S | Denmark | http://lundsbybiogas.dk/en/ |
MARTIN GmbH für Umwelt- und Energietechnik | Germany | http://www.martingmbh.de/en/ |
Maschinenbau Lohse GmbH | Germany | http://www.martingmbh.de |
OWSOWS (DRANCO) | Belgium | www.ows.be |
PlanET Biogastechnik GmbH | Germany | http://www.planet-biogas.co.uk/ |
Pöttinger Entsorgungstechnik GmbH & CO KG (Dry AD) | Austria | http://www.poettinger-oneworld.at/en_en |
Rytec GmbH | Germany | http://www.rytec.com/en |
Steinmüller Babcock Environment GmbH | Germany | https://www.steinmueller-babcock.com |
STRABAG UMWELTTECHNIK GMBH | Germany | http://www.strabag-umwelttechnik.com |
Sutco Recyclingtechnik GmbH | Germany | https://www.sutco.de |
THÖNI Industriebetriebe GmbH | Austria | http://www.thoeni.com/en/ |
Veolia Water Technologies TechnoCenter Netherlands B.V. - Biothane | The Netherlands | https://bit.ly/2L7Yzfx |
Waga Energy | France | http://waga-energy.com/ |
Waste Treatment Technologies Netherlands B.V. | The Netherlands | https://wtt.nl/biological/ |
WATERLEAU | Belgium | https://www.waterleau.com/en/ |
WELTEC BIOPOWER GmbH | Germany | http://www.weltec-biopower.com/ |
Xergi A/S | Denmark | https://www.xergi.com/ |
About the List
We have compiled this list with reference to their websites to ensure that these companies are apparently all trading, and all will provide a full Design and Build service. However, every company differs. The type of anaerobic digesters offered range from large sewage sludge digesters for the water treatment industry, to small domestic and on-farm biogas plants. Some providers offer their own batch process dry-anaerobic digestion systems. But, most Biogas Companies Europe based, offer fully mixed and stirred (CSR) “wet process” anaerobic digestion technologies.
The size of these Biogas Companies Europe-based varies from having completed many hundreds of AD plants, down to much smaller businesses which may have no more than half a dozen reference AD plant projects listed.
Another variable within this list is the feedstock each company has optimised their biogas plant designs, to work with, and the use of the output/ digestate.
If you know of any companies which you think we should have included, please add the company name and hyperlink of any omissions in the comments section below, with you reason for inclusion. However, before adding a new company, please remember that this list is for full AD plant systems suppliers, and not equipment suppliers/sub-contractors to companies already in the list provided below:
Additional Notes:
Zorg Biogas has a full range of engineering services and has been constructing biogas plants since 2007. Zorg Biogas has designed, procured or constructed more than 55 biogas plants in 16 countries. Various technologies from simple single-stage reactors for silage to complicated multi-stage reactors for pure chicken dung or distillery wastewater, wet or dry process.
United Kingdom
BioGas Products Ltd are a UK based company specializing in process design and manufacture of Anaerobic Digesters and Biogas Utilisation Equipment. They provide products and processes to the water utility, waste, agricultural and environmental sectors. Specializing in: Process design and construction of Anaerobic Digesters for UK farms, Biogas cleaning, refining and storage, Tank cover and lagoon liners, and onsite stainless steel fabrication. via Biogas Consultants and Companies – Build a Biogas Plant
Biogas sector is growing steadily in Europe, EBA says in new report
The European Biogas Association (EBA) has presented its sixth edition of its Statistical Report – the reference publication on the state of the art of biogas and biomethane in Europe.
The report reflects the steady growth in the biogas sector, with the number of biogas plants practically tripling during the past six years.
“There were 17,376 biogas plants and 459 biomethane plants in operation in Europe (in late 2015). Despite the headwind our industry faces, this again represents growth, illustrating the simple fact that the biogas industry is an indispensable part of European development” said EBA president Jan Stambasky.
The sector proves to remain in good shape: the number of biogas plants in Europe increased from 16,834 to 17,376 in 2015 (+3%). Some countries achieved significant increase such as the United Kingdom (77 additional plants, 17% growth), Belgium (20 additional plants, 11% growth) and the Netherlands (16 additional plants, 6% growth).
In terms of biogas production, national associations and third – party observers quantify the total amount of electricity produced from biogas at 60.6TWh, a number that corresponds to the annual consumption of 13.9 million European households. via Biogas sector is growing steadily in Europe, EBA says in …
Finally, at the smallest of biogas plant scales we bring you more news of biogas growth:
Homebiogas – Household Biogas Digester System
Converts minimal household food scraps into maximum cooking gas and fertilizer!
Environmentally Friendly
Sustainable, because the HomeBiogas digester system recycles household waste locally, generating renewable energy and reducing 6 tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually!
I am just a undergrad student and desire to become an entrepreneur. I support sustainable and renewable development and I see opportunities I wish to develop through building a biogas business with a vision to reduce the use of fossil fuel as a source of energy. Also, being sustainable and help to keep our environment green. I don’t have a skill about biogas stuffs but I do know the advantages and I am just alone with my dream of biogas business. Which is best company here which will help me?
Ky – I suggest that you learn more about the AD industry before you start a business. Have you thought of applying for a job to an AD company like those listed on this page?
Thank you for the write-up including the mention of us. Looking forward in advance to more added agreeable from you! However, how can we communicate?
Heya i am for the primary time here. Might this be utilized in the typical house or in a village or housing development… All this reveals we are still residing in the stone age … Civilization requires to be totally restructured for performance equivalent to nature … investing loan just on development and effective development.
I have been browsing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any other really useful list like yours. i think that you could add more companies though. That would help even more.
We stumbled over here coming from a different web page. Not sure what
“complete” anaerobic digestion companies are.
Full service contractors maybe?
I am sure that there are more biogas companies in EU than those listed. Not complete, but useful. Danke!
By the word “complete” we are referring to the service offered by these companies.
We do not suggest this list is a complete and full list of every European biogas company.
Dear sir/madam,
May I request the production capacities of each companies?
This information is important and useful for me in my research paperwork. For your information, the info obtained will not be published.
Hope I can received a reply soon. Thanks in advance.
CHONG LEE YAN: If you want to know how many biogas plants and/ or at what sizes these companies can produce Anaerobic Digestion Plants, you will need to make contact with them individually to ask them. I am pretty sure there is no information freely available online which will provide that data. Does that help you?
Hi there mates. It’s a great list on the topic of Biogas Companies Europe – List of Complete Anaerobic Digestion Plant Manufacturers in Europe and completely defined. We find this useful keep it up all the time.
the criteria to be included are not defined, I see many companies that I have never seen in competitive situations, Agraferm has constructed almost 20 “complete” AD Plants in the UK and over 50 in the rest of Europe