Landia GasMix

Image text: "recycling fish morts using anaerobic digestion".

Recycling Fish Morts Using Anaerobic Digestion

There’s a reason why recycling fish morts is valued as a digester feedstock amongst biogas plant operators. First, the fish mort pulp, comprising the dead young fish removed from aquaculture (mostly salmon) farms is rapidly digested. Second, mort recycling is also healthier and greener for the environment, than alternative disposal methods. There are many sources […]

Landia Biogas Mixing system Image with the text: "How Landia GasMix orders beat the virus."

Landia Digester Mixing Systems Beat the Virus and Go Ahead in China

Undeterred by the current coronavirus wave hitting the UK and many other nations (possibly including China as well) we are pleased to report that Landia Digester Mixing Systems are once again beating the many problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic and are going ahead in China in what appear to be more and bigger orders […]

Landia and Plant Operator rest after Biogas digester crust removal by the Landia GasMix mixer.

Biogas Digester Crust Re-dissolved by Landia GasMix Mixer After Propeller Mixing Failure

Biogas digester crust formations floating on the surface of reactor tanks may sound to be of little consequence, but that’s not so according to anaerobic digestion tank operators. furthermore, breaking up and re-dissolving a biogas digester tank surface crust was defeating the best efforts of one AD plant operator recently after a propeller mixer suffered […]

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