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Image shows the Landia Vertical Long Shaft Pump.

Vertical Long-Shaft Pump Will Blend Cow Slurry At AD Plant

Vertical long-shaft pumps have been around since the earliest days of sewer installation, however, never before did they run this long and deep for biogas plant pump company Landia. Read on to find out more about this case study and how this pump will blend cow manure slurry at an AD Plant in Northern Ireland.

Image shows the Landia Vertical Long Shaft Pump.

Press Release:

Long, long Landia Long-Shaft Pump bound for farm-based AD plant in Ireland

Image shows the Landia long shaft pump with Chopper - longest they've ever supplied.For an AD/Biogas plant in Ireland, Landia has manufactured one of its longest-ever Long-Shaft Chopper Pumps – for a slurry pit that is 5.25m deep.

The order was won by DPS Ltd, Landia’s exclusive distributor for Ireland and Northern Ireland.  It will see the long-shaft chopper pump used in a reception pit, where it will blend cow slurry with other imported media, before pumping it onwards to the primary digester.

DPS General Manager Austin Kennedy said: “The application is very challenging and would normally require an external tractor-mounted agitator and separate means of conveying the feedstock. But with the Landia solution, effective mixing and trouble-free pumping is achieved with just the one unit, therefore reducing capital expenditure, operating costs, and maintenance time.”

Designed with its inlet on top of the impeller housing, the Landia Long-Shaft Chopper Pump benefits from having its fan-cooled motor mounted at the opposite end of the drive shaft, outside the slurry.

This Ireland-bound pump doesn’t hold the record though for the longest ever Landia Long-Shaft Chopper Pump. That particular accolade goes to a unit supplied for eastern Europe in 2009, which was over 7m long.

Landia Tel01948 661 200

More on Vertical Long-Shaft Pumps

Long-shaft pumps for fluids with a high dry matter

Landia's long shaft pump is still used extensively for pumping liquid manure, but over the years it has also gained recognition as a pump that can pump fluids with significantly higher dry matter content than most other pumps. Perfect for heavily contaminated fluids or fluids with a high content of fibre in the form of straw, grass, etc. Often found in Biogas plants.

Landia's first long shaft pump was introduced in 1950. The special thing about the pump was that the pump was equipped with a knife system which was designed to chop straw, which was always present in liquid manure and gave rise to breakdowns and problems.

As a unique feature, the long-shaft MPG-I pump has the inlet on top of the pump housing. Together with the fan housing which is mounted on the pump shaft, this means that the MPG-I pump can pump fluids with a substantially higher content of solid material than most other pumps.

All MGP-I pumps are equipped with a knife system at the inlet of the pump and can be supplied with fixed or adjustable nozzle for recirculation or mixing.

The MPG-I pump is available up to 17′ in length and in cast iron or acid-proof steel. All MGP-I pumps are custom built.

The 250VCP-10 Vertical Long-Shaft Pump

The VCP vertical turbine pump is a newly developed product in design and manufacture from both home and overseas experience. It is used to deliver clean water or sewage with certain solids in the water, and it can also handle seawater with corrosive salinities. The temperature of liquid can't be above 80ºc. It is widely used in original waterworks, wastewater factory, metallurgy, and in the steel industry.

Bauer Shaft Pumps

Due to the higher drive power available, MAGNUM LP 55 is suited particularly for heavy-duty stirring performance and pumping of thick sludge with a higher solids content.

Technical features double pump shaft bearing absorbs heavy shocks the robust hyperbolic cutter chops up stringy material with effortless ease and prevents it from winding around and blocking up the system. The high-quality tool-steel cutters are re-adjustable, their cutting edges can be used four times. This avoids clogging when the pump is immersed in floating crusts.

According to there are 621 suppliers who sell a long shaft pump, with suppliers mainly located in Asia.


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    • Donna
    • November 30, 2020

    Do you know of any other suppliers for long-shaft pumps for other applications?

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