Biogas Incentives
What Happened to UK Feed-in Tariffs for Small Scale Electricity Generation & Small Biogas Plants?
The Feed-In Tariffs (FiTs) – An Introduction April 2010 saw the introduction of a system of feed in tariffs (FITs) in England, Scotland, and Wales to encourage the small-scale development of low carbon electricity generation facilities by providing revenue. A “clean energy cashback” is what the UK Government described it as in 2010, and it […]
UK Biogas Funding for Biofuels CHP RO FiTs and RHI – Looking Back 10 Years
To understand the historical background to policy on UK Biogas Funding for Biofuels and CHP (Combined Heat and Power Installations), RO (the now-defunct Renewables Obligation), FiTs (Feed-in-Tariff closed) and the RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive – still current but for how long?*) it is necessary to go back 10 years to 2011 and the “Anaerobic Digestion […]