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double membrane gas holder

Biogas storage cover, featured image withtext in the image: "Biogas Holder Design."

Biogas Holder Design for Commercial CSTR AD Plants

Biogas Holder Design is synonymous with the term “double membrane gas holder” and the suppliers and contractors that apply this description to their biogas storage products tailor their gas holders for use on large commercial circular-walled digesters. These are by far the most common type of commercial AD plants,  and most of those follow the […]

Biogas digester covers article - featured image.

Digester Covers and Secrets of the Flexible Inflatable Membrane Cover

Digester Covers, which also act as gasholders are an important part of any biogas plant, performing the triple function of sealing the digester from the air, keeping it warm, and providing storage for a variable rate of pressurized gas, to balance the rate of biogas production with its use. Digester covers are essential to the […]

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